Shed Designer
Powered by MySys
Looking to expand your shed business?
Building your business is no longer the hard slog it used to be.
You have a shed system, but now you need agents or sales people to quote it effortlessly, to process orders and supply it correctly.
How do you do that easily and effortlessly?
The MySys Shed Designer integrates Business Workflow and Shed design in one online system. No more switching between different software or complicated job management procedures!
Screenshots taken directly from our MySys Shed Designer
Hot or Cold Rolled structures with lean-to’s awnings and garaports
Integrated engineering checks incorporating AS4100, AS1170
Customer database and project management system
Follow up tasks automatically assigned from your workflows
Your shed construction within online design software
Detailed drawings for engineering, quote layouts and documentation

The MySys Shed Designer allows your team to effortlessly design structures using your method of construction with your rules and guidelines.
Easily define your structure as a 3D model, which can be extended with lean-tos, awnings or garaports and openings to produce all the costing details behind the scenes. The resulting detailed model can then be analysed for engineering according to AS1170, based on the location of the project and the wind categories in that region.
Creating a structure within a quote provides everything necessary to proceed with a job. Once a client proceeds with the sale you can efficiently fulfil their request as everything is systemised and ready to go.
MySys Shed Designer produces your:
- 3D model of shed structure
- Quotes
- Detail Drawings
- Tasks and Workflow
- Communication and follow-up (CRM)
- Bills of material
- Punching and fabrication details
- Ordering & Receiving
- Invoicing and accounts integration

MySys Shed Designer can manage your enquiries from client contact right through to construction. It gives you confidence and control of your business systems.
MySys Shed has full 3D visualisation of your shed design as well as the power of MySys tasking at work behind the scenes. MySys tasking allows you to set up workflows for different structure types and sales scenarios to keep the project moving forward.
Take advantage of our online shed design system to proceduralise your business in the design and supply of your shed products.
Once you have set up the system you can then add sales people and agents.
With the quoting and design system populated and users producing bills of material you can then start automating other areas of your business, simply by taking advantage of additional MySys functionality.
The inventory system will enable you to track stock levels, ordering and receiving.
Integration to your accounts system will allow MySys users to invoice deposits and progress payments as well as enter supplier invoices if you wish.
About Alltraders

We are a local, like you
We are Australian Owned and Operated.
We want to see our clients and nation succeed.

We have been doing this for almost 2 decades, with
already proven solutions for companies of all sizes.

Honesty and Integrity
We are a tight knit company, with traditional values of service.
Integrity is at the heart of all we do.

We work with solo operators, all the way up to international companies.
Our solutions are scalable and affordable.