Alltraders have been making mobile applications for several years. Our apps have been deployed to corporate clients to solve corporate needs.

Recently we have started writing apps using C# within Xamarin. This means that our apps can be easily deployed to Android, Apple and Windows without having to write three versions of the app. Many of our team are experienced C# programmers, so using Xamarin has been a good choice to adopt.

Our first app in 2011 was for an engineering company in Western Australia who wanted their staff to be able to record soil tests on a site map. It went so well that their site inspections became far cheaper as they were much faster to do. Clients were amazed that the data was reaching them in real time as the inspections were being performed.

We are currently writing a quoting application for hardware for agricultural equipment. The app links to an online sales system and quotes are mapped against inventory levels and data is shared to the main office instantly.

Book a free consultation by calling 08 7324 7100.

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